Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Yes, We At RE@L Are Proud: Featured Editorial in the 
St. Paul Sunday Pioneer Press Business Section

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RE@L is very pleased to announce that our founder, Dale LaFrenz, was interviewed by the St. Paul Pioneer Press Business Editor, Dave Fondler. The interview was featured at the top of the Business section of the Sunday paper. The important topic discussed was Minnesota's own historical and now current leadership in effective K12 software for students and teachers.

No one knows that story better than Dale LaFrenz. Back in 1978, he called and made a deal with Steve Jobs back that brought the Apple II computer and the simulation learning game "Oregon Trail" to teachers and students everywhere. Oregon Trail is arguably the most popular learning game of all time.

Dale had founded the Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium (MECC) that brought dozens and dozens of award-winning K12 software to schools all over the country. He knows the history of school software better than anyone, and has used that accumulated knowledge and success to found Real Experiences at Life (RE@L) software that uses today's mobile apps and iPads to better aid learning. DaleRE@L002

His interview can be read in entirety by clicking the link below:
As fate would have it, that same issue of the paper had a critical story on the local school district’s decision to provide every student and teacher with an iPad to help with learning and teaching.

What’s been unresolved to date is how this iPad plan will happen. We applaud the district for planning ahead and bringing that plan to the School Board and public for input and suggestions. RE@L’s software team has many of the same members who brought MECC to the market.
What made MECC so successful was the wealth of information and resources for teachers and students to get the maximum instructional benefit from the software. 

The same is true for RE@L. The district would be well-advised to include those teaching and learning resources in their plan. Tools, without a do-able plan, are worthless.

RE@L is pledged to work with schools districts on criteria for choosing apps and software for their mobile learning devices, from iPads to laptops. Funds well-spent are those directed to products that work.  
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RE@L hopes that the community-at-large of educators, parents, students, investors all understand what RE@L delivers: learning apps and software that works. That’s why we here at RE@L are very proud. 

Check us out! Let us know if we can help!

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