Almost 40 years ago this young girl posed for a LEGO ad showing what she could do with her newly-designed home and carport…or is it a heliocopter-port? Maybe both!
Nor did we have the word STEM, (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) back in those days. LEGO is what some kids were using to learn with back in those days. Girls, too. Not just boys.
We’d like to believe this smart and creative young girl became a smart and creative woman and maybe even working in a STEM career. Who knows, she may now be in her prime building space-ports for weary space travelers to get some rest and relaxation. You never know.
RE@L’s new strategies are to embed the various learning activities in K12 STEM, real-world experiments.
As we learned back in our MECC days, it’s imperative to provide the teacher with all the materials needed to properly conduct the learning experiments and have students ready and able to learn.
Nothing beats “hands-on and heads-on” learning, and that’s what RE@L does.
RE@L’s software relates to the real world.
Our RE@L homepage uses three artistic bubbles to show how RE@L embraces three distinct and critical dimensions of Project-Based Learning (PBL):
1. -Classroom activities,
2. -Field experience,
3. -Connecting to the real world experience
RE@L’s new portal, RE@L VIEW™, uses new technologies to bring both content and resources all together for both students and teachers. Moreover, it includes sharing questions and findings with other PBL schools across the nation, and around the globe. If our students can learn together anywhere, perhaps they can work together and relate to each other, too.
The secret to RE@L VIEW™ new learning is the advanced resource-sharing of the virtual world, real-time portal. It allows teachers and learners everywhere to connect and share their work and findings.
RE@L has harnessed the power of content and resources. We have also added newer tools that take learning to a new dimension.
Prototypes may begin with toys and building blocks. But they can and have become far more than that. Today’s tools allow virtual realities undreamed of only a few short years ago.
The secret to RE@L VIEW™ new learning is the advanced resource-sharing of the virtual world, real-time portal. It allows teachers and learners everywhere to connect and share their work and findings.
Prototypes may begin with toys and building blocks. But they can and have become far more than that. Today’s tools allow virtual realities undreamed of only a few short years ago.
If the young girl, pictured in the LEGO poster above, had been able to choose new paths for learning and life, think of her options that would be available out there today.
Perhaps, one of those careers awaits a young, probing minds of students you know! The universe awaits their new explorations! So do we!
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