Friday, December 23, 2016

Happy New Year from RE@L!

Holiday greetings to all:

Happy New Year To All Our Readers From RE@L! We, ALL of Us, Have Another Year, And Another Chance To Do It Even Better!

happy-new-year-fireworks-holiday-background-design-65648415RE@L sends greetings to all our readers and followers for a great Holiday and even better New Year!

We’ve all worked hard this past year to make good things happen, no matter what we do. That’s why you’re reading this!
We, your RE@L Bloggers, pledge to keep our focus on “What Works And What Still Needs Working On,” and spreading the  word.
Having been around a few New Year’s greetings ourselves, we know there are many more of the latter questions than the answers!
Our New Year’s RE@L resolution is to continue to bring you: 
  • An array of topical, timely RE@L blogs on EdTech and STEM, 
  • Reviews of other insightful bloggers and pioneering leaders, 
  • Helpful Case Studies and Results from experienced, passionate educators 
Turn Good Ideas Into Action!

Thanks to EACH of YOU for being a follower of our RE@L Blog, our Facebook page and our Twitter feed!

Our promise to our RE@L readers is more of the same, only better.

Happy New and Better Year To All!

From Dale and Tom

Your RE@L Co-Blogmeisters

Tom King and Dale LaFrenz

From RE@L