RE@L wants to pause for a moment in our day’s occupations of teaching all those dear students out there who depend on us whether they know it or not.
Many kids do know it, of course, witness this letter we found on Facebook today, published on a great website called “Bored Teachers.” It’s a blogsite worth your bookmarking and following. Just click on the graphic to the right to see their site.
Today’s offering on their site was written by teacher Andy McCall and is called: “Hilarious Letter From Teacher to Students On the Last Day Will Make You Laugh Out Loud.” Indeed it does, so don’t read this while you still have students in the room.
Here’s the link to his letter. Read his entire letter to the kids he has taught and loved this year….every last one of them. You’ll see it’s true, and you’ll likely be shaking your heard up and down recalling your own similar stories.
Here’s a few excerpts from Andy’s letter that stood out for us:
“We’ve spent almost 180 days together. It seems like only yesterday, I was introducing myself and trying to figure out which one was Dan and the other Don. I still mess it up, but you understand. I just wanted to give you a few words of wisdom before you leave for summer and forget pretty much everything that came out of my mouth….
“Just to clear it up, yes you still need to learn your multiplication facts and how to regroup in subtraction because I don’t have the patience much longer to stand in line for 15 minutes at Food city again because this little girl can’t figure out how to make change when the computer goes down…
“Read something. I don’t care what it is but don’t lose everything we worked for. This might help when you go to the beach and the sign says “NO SWIMMING” and you read “GO SWIMMING”…”
We thought about excerpting his #10 in the last line, but it’s so touching we thought it best if you read it on your own, just in case it brings a tear to your eyes. CLICK ON THE LINK ABOVE.
Have a wonderful summer all you good and caring teachers, replete with rest, relaxation and a very occasional lesson plan idea for next year.For all those mindless folks who think you get summers off, just remind them of your many long hours, including weekends, and ensuing need to recharge the batteries. Not to hurt anyone’s feelings but most folks couldn’t and wouldn’t do your job. You’ve earned your time off.
RE@L says that: “Next to parenthood, teaching is the most important career there is!” Why? Because both callings are essential for the passing on of our culture and the sharing of our collective wisdom. It is said that teachers are there in place of the parent, and these days, far too often, you’re the last line of defense against ignorance and lassitude.
So, RE@L says it once again: “Happy Last Day of School!”
Be sure to “carpe” all the “diems” of summer that you can.
Be ready and rested for next fall, when, once again, you have another chance to do it even better!
We know you will do it better!
"online teacher for social studies